House of Joy & Mercy X CTBeatZ Dog Adoption Day

[House of Joy & Mercy x CTBeatZ Mall Dog Adoption Day]
July could be called as the adoption month 😍😍 A total of 20 dogs are waiting for everyone to adopt!
The adoption day in collaboration with CTBeatZ HK 🥳 were held in Ma On Shan and Tseung Kwan O! 20 cute dogs will take turns to meet everyone 🥳🎊

*Line up at the adoption booth to enter the venue.
*The number of people in the group must not exceed four, masks must be put on in the venue, and alcohol disinfection is provided before entering the venue.
*Must be present to fill in the application form ✔️, online application is not accepted ❌

Dogs attending Tseung Kwan O Adoption Day:
Hermione, Sam Loo Loo, Cheese, Rice Cracker, Snowflake, Blue, Milk Tea, Sha Gor, Chestnut, Olaf

🐶 There will be 4 dogs attending in turn every day, depends on their physical conditions on that day. The list of dogs attending will be announced before departure every day on the Facebook of House of Joy & Mercy.
Please support adoption! 💪🏻🥳


Date: 16/7 to 28/7

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Venue: MCP Central (Phase 2), Tseung Kwan O, N.T.


Jul 16 - 28 2021


12:00 pm - 6:00 pm


MCP Central
MCP Central(Phase 2), Tseung Kwan O, N.T.


House of Joy & Mercy
9619 8780
[email protected]