Suppaw x 520浪浪加油站領養日
今次又有新地方啦! 5月11日Suppaw 將聯同520浪浪加油站於西營盤 Soapy Pawsie舉行首次貓狗領養日, 而且大部份係BB。
出席領養日嘅朋友亦會收到Soapy Pawise 送出嘅限量福袋😍 (數量有限, 送完即止)
而當日領養人在店購物嘅10%,Soapy Pawise 亦會捐給Suppaw及520浪浪加油站作動物福利用途。❤️
A new venue for adoption day! Suppaw and 520 Dog Support will organize Cats & Dogs Adoption Day in Soapy Pawsie on 11May. There are puppies & kitties for you to adopt.
To support the adoption day, Soapy Pawsie is giving away a gift pack to all participants while stocks last.
And 10% of the spending from the adopters will be donated to Suppaw and 520 Dog Supports. ❤️
Register now!
地點:Soapy Pawsie 西營盤干諾道西158號富康樓地下
時間:下午 12:00 – 5:00
Adoption Day Details:
Venue:Soapy Pawsie, G/F, Richwealth Mansion, 158 Connaught Rd W, Sai Ying Pun
Time:12 – 5pm
特別鳴謝Soapy Pawsie 借出場地参與領養活動
Special thanks to Soapy Pawsie for sponsoring the adoption day venue
前往Soapy Pawsie 交通:
地鐵: 西營盤站出B3藝里坊出口沿西邊街向海方向到干諾道西
巴士: 1, 4, 4X, 5B, 7, 10, 37B, 18, 18X, 33X, 91, 94, 101, 113, 905, 970
Transportation to Soapy Pawsie:
MTR: Sai Yun Pun MTR station B3 Artland Exit
Bus: 1, 4, 4X, 5B, 7, 10, 37B, 18, 18X, 33X, 91, 94, 101, 113, 905, 970
- G/F, Richwealth Mansion, 158 Connaught Rd W, Sai Ying Pun